Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Poem: Moments of Clarity

Oh, how I desire more
of Your Light's essence,
to clearly penetrate
the core of my being.

How much can I endure
without Your Presence?
Though I may be frustrated,
it's You Lord, I'm believing.

It's been said before,
in Your Word's eloquence -
"nothing new" has been stated
and it agrees with what I'm seeing.

Moments of clarity, at the door
of Your Kingdom's brilliance,
are revelations of my faith's fate,
found under Your grace and loving... kindness.

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Poem: On God's Mountain

To be on your mountain top
with an elevated view,
could my chances increase
for getting a glimpse of You?

Standing barefoot in your presence
before a burning bush consumed,
would your glory envelop me
as a spiritual womb?

Moses saw your backside,
but show me instead your face and eyes.
Having direct interaction with you
should cause my faith to be revised.

Conquering obstacles of Life
via a mountainous climb,
while developing a personal relationship
help makes the upward trek sublime.

From my book: Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory
The ISBN is: 1-4196-5051-3

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Poem: Prone to Error

Challenges in Life are meant to be,
assisting us to reach maturity.
For our reaction to circumstance
marks personal growth beyond luck and chance.
Proven is our ability to learn,
expanding mental constraints as hearts burn.
Walking in upright, godly perfection
complements Jehovah's desire for Man's compassion.
The lasting goal is surely not religious fervor,
but moving past our fallen state of being...
Prone to error.

From my book: Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory
The ISBN is: 1-4196-5051-3

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Poem: Forgiveness

We are wronged by people daily,
but to not forgive is unconscionable.
The Universal King had died for all;
for in eternity's view, we're pardonable.

He has given absolute amnesty
to everyone who has accepted Him.
Make no mistake about this unmerited immunity -
Grace's favor (over the course of Life) wears thin.

Death is inevitable, and our spirits
this mortal frame will leave;
so take advantage of God's condonation
to be granted a heavenly reprieve.

Human lives hang in limbo
under the penalty of death;
speak kindly of others and refrain...
From another wasted breath.

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Author Notes:

Condonation is a real word: you can see more about it at:

Since I believe in the Christ's resurrection, His death is in the past tense.

Poem: September 11, 2001

Failing to understand
why our nation is great,
an opportunity was sought
by souls cowardly lying in wait.

Focused on pure evil
as they have continually done,
an unholy attack was unleashed
on a day now known as 9-1-1.

Via the destruction
of New York's "Twin Towers"
the enemy crushed a symbol
of U.S. monetary power.

Beyond the resources to rebuild,
our country operates from a wealthy mindset;
so we can easily overcome
loss of life and some airliner jets.

We have forgiven peoples and nations;
we have helped the World without regret.
Justice will be eventually extracted
for a date guaranteed that we'll never forget.

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Poem: Visionless?

Visionless is no way to be:
having sight, yet unable to see.
Soul's blindness that's dark and deep
indicates your spirit is fast asleep.

Use the Word to ignite your inner spark
and awaken your slumber by the Lord's Light.
To have Life's purpose and meaning for self
promotes character and personal delight.

Having vision is intended for all,
so get fitted with some new glasses.
Accomplishments are attainable, provided you're
willing to use God's Word, while getting off your....

From my book: Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory
The ISBN is: 1-4196-5051-3

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Poem: Danger of Zealous Fervor

Yes, the goal is to reach souls;
but at what further cost?
Unacceptable is using fear as mind control
for reaching those considered 'lost'.

When not as an example of victorious living,
the principles of God appear to lose credibility.
If not demonstrating a God that's loving,
then appeal of the Kingdom lacks desirability.

To berate skeptical souls with Hell's threat
will deliberately cause immediate offense.
Salvation is not a game with souls to bet -
Offer encouragement to get off the lukewarm fence.

Our responsibility is to share Salvation's plan,
not forcing people to immediately decide.
We are to be God's vessel to reach Man
and not propagate the Eternal Divide.

From my book: Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory
The ISBN is: 1-4196-5051-3

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Monday, June 7, 2010

Poem: Eternity

In the quiet garden of Heaven,
one day I'll walk beneath the trees
with the coolness of God's Spirit
flowing more gently than an Earthly breeze.

In the royal kingdom of priests,
I'll run barefoot on streets of soft gold,
overwhelmed by the perfection of peace,
following where angels had previously strolled.

Before the awesome throne room,
I'll exude continual heartfelt praise
as part of God's familial host
safe and secure in everlasting days.

From my book: Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory
The ISBN is: 1-4196-5051-3

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Poem: A Sinner Like Me

Pushing this flesh into alignment,
guided by The Word most holy and pure,
I'm striving to learn principles
for a sanctified life to endure.

My Lord loves me without hesitation
and allowed a part of Himself to die.
He's calling me homeward without reservation;
by His Spirit, to His side, I'll eventually fly.

Knowing I'm a child of His,
during trying times I find true encouragement.
I'm able to lean on His strength
while in search of heavenly ascent.

Stumbling forward with pained progress,
I've chosen to turn myself towards Thee.
On Your path, lit by spiritual Light, I'm hoping...
That You will still forgive... a sinner like me.

From my book: Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory
The ISBN is: 1-4196-5051-3

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Monday, May 3, 2010

Poem: His Blessings

His blessings upon my life flow -
No matter where I am
or wherever I happen to go.

Overcoming the curse of Mankind,
is a consuming, infinite Love
from the One declared divine.

As I continue inside His Will,
sheltered by Sacrificial grace,
His many promises are fulfilled.

Truly blessed, to be a blessing
is simple for anyone to see -
As I'm fully submerged... in God's covering.

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Poem: My Proverbs 31 Wife

My earthly desire is to have...
a woman comprised of softness,
both in flesh and soul.
Her presence offsets the hardness
of everyday living that bluntly smacks me.
To be with a spirit, overflowing with joy,
greeting me daily with unexpected sweetness,
soothes all internal bruises from
the day's accumulation of subtle brutality.
Rubies belie her value to me;
her natural radiance permeates my core,
allowing me to experience intimacy.

From my book: Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory
The ISBN is: 1-4196-5051-3

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Poem: Spiritual Irony

Foolishness of Jehovah
exceeds the wisdom of Mankind;
torture by crucifixion
was to serve as a deterrent
to stop all forms of crime.

Inhumane treatment
demonstrates insatiable blood thirst
in a vain attempt to bring out
the best character of man
by placing World's justice system first.

However, death of the Innocent Lamb,
a perfect sacrifice God did decree
to bridge the gap of sin
using Man's worst punishment
in a twist of spiritual irony.

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Poem: Nothing Gold Can Stay

Standing at the threshold
of Death's ultimate door,
my last gasp escapes me...
As I've never experienced before.

Into the Heavenly realm
I ascend in wonderment,
now housed in an incorruptible body
and thankful that from sin I did repent.

Standing in God's throne room
freed of all Earthly flesh,
my spiritual essence is energized
and feeling fully refreshed.

Now gathered unto my Savior,
unencumbered reality is more than it seems;
for to be in His Presence
is my accomplished dream.

Having been given my kingly reward,
in these times of everlasting days,
willfully I set my crown at His feet.
For upon my head, nothing gold can stay.

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Friday, February 12, 2010

Poem: Draw Closer to God

Draw closer to God
and He will draw nigh unto thee,
provided you’re willing to…
demonstrate actual honesty.

For He can always see
intentions written upon one’s heart.
Stop playing games and come clean;
otherwise, His Spirit may soon depart.

Jehovah transcends the boundaries of time;
So to Him, there is nothing new under the sun.
Start by freely accepting Salvation’s gift,
which was provided by the Divine One.

One can keep His presence nearby -
For He always inhabits our praise.
Open your mouth and sing of His joy,
during the remainder of your days.

Draw closer to God
and He will draw nigh too.
Know that He dearly covets a…
lasting relationship with you.

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Poem: Green Card

Like many other Christians,
I’m living here on Earth temporarily;
ask to see my “spiritual green card” -
For my citizenship is with Christ’s eternity.

Being a stranger in a foreign land
makes me a heavenly ambassador,
serving a lifelong assignment
on a Godly pilgrimage as His sojourner.

Earth is not my final home -
For I strive to overcome temptations of Earth;
found in my identity with Christ
is the true measure of my worth.

For those who are unsure,
The Bible is my eternal passport
that provides my credentials
until I’m present in Heaven’s court.

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Poem: Release the Songbird in Me

O my Lord of mercy and grace -
I desire to write more spiritual verse,
while flying on your notes of blessings
and overcoming Mankind’s sin curse.

My heart’s singing of your joy,
as You feed me by Your hand
the fullness of Thy melodic Word;
thus enabling… my ability to understand.

O Lord, give flight to my words
while I’m attuned to Your Spirit –
May Your message reach weary souls
and empower them with a Heavenly lift.

Allow me to rest in Your Presence,
nestled amid the branches of Life’s Tree,
as I strive to perfect my voice.
Please Lord; release the songbird in me.

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Author Note:

Special thanks go to Jay DuPaul, for his words of encouragement.