Thursday, May 7, 2009

Poem: Chained to Myself

To Nature's old self I cling,
although I should be a new creation
and enjoy the blessings that it brings.

I'm bound as a passive prisoner
wholly contained within my soul,
while personal chains constrict even tighter.

Jacob Marley would have been proud,
as I've forged my own binding links
that strangle the life force, which is continually cast down.

The freedom that I crave
won't be obtained by my own strength,
for only the Cross' power does truly save.

The might of the Living Word
with its reproducing, Dunamis power
enlightens my spirit with Truth that's been heard.

As long as I continue to believe,
I'll stand victorious (for the battle's already won),
overcoming false doubts and having fears relieved.

From my book "Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory"
ISBN: 1-4196-5051-3

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Poem: Losing Myself

Cuddling with my beloved
under the warmth of satin sheets,
I gently sense the merging of souls
as our bodies become one flesh.
Fingertip sensations reflect the excitement
that are already stirred within my spirit.
During these sweet times of intimacy,
I'm losing myself as a fading light
in the ultimate desire of Love,
as the moments are embedded
softly into our memories.

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Author Note:

A wife is a gift from God.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Poem: Lot's Wife

Not wanting to be rescued
from the twin, sin cities,
she's unwillingly led away
by a man she barely loves and pities.

Unable to follow God's direction
and her husband's leadership,
she succumbs to her heart's lust
for a final look, as the horizon dips.

Governed by Jezebel's spirit,
having forgotten that Jehovah honors His Word,
she's transformed into a pillar of salt
for a life no longer preserved.

Fighting tears from losing his wife
Lot takes careful steps backwards,
to gaze on her form one last time
before with a new life going forward.

Learn more about me and my poetry at: